Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Effective home remedy for cough

1. Immune-Boosting Foods
When you can’t seem to get rid of a cough, there are a few foods that can help to thin mucus, soothe your muscles, reduce inflammation and boost your immune system. Here’s a quick rundown of the foods that serve as home remedies for a cough:

Water: Start by drinking plenty of water throughout the day — about 8 to 16 ounces every 2 hours. This will help to thin the mucus that’s building up in your airways and causing you to cough.
Bone broth: Sipping on real bone broth can help to support your immunity, thin mucus in your airways, soothe your muscles and promote detoxification. When your cough is caused by exposure to toxins, chemicals, pesticides or artificial ingredients that are causing an inflammatory reaction, consuming bone broth can be helpful in removing those substances from your body.
Raw garlic: Allicin, a compound found in garlic, is known for its ability to kill the microorganisms that are responsible respiratory infections that can lead to coughing. Raw garlic has antimicrobial, antiviral and antifungal properties, so adding it to your diet as a natural cough remedy can be beneficial in helping you to kick the infection.
Ginger tea: Drinking ginger tea when you have a cough can help to boost your immune system and fight the infection that’s causing the symptom. Ginger root benefits come from its powerful antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties, which makes it a go-to when dealing with respiratory tract infections.
Probiotic foods: One possible side effect of not having enough probiotics is frequent colds and coughs, which is because probiotics are responsible for supporting your immune system. To fight your cough, try eating probiotic foods like cultured vegetables, like sauerkraut and kimchi, coconut kefir, apple cider vinegar, miso and kombucha.
In an effort to reduce inflammation and mucus production, avoid consuming sweetened beverages, fruit juices, sugary foods, chocolate, processed foods and conventional dairy products when you have a cough. Instead of drinking juice or sweetened drinks, choose whole fruits and vegetables instead, which are much higher in vitamin C and will help to boost your immune function. (6)

2. Vitamin C
Vitamin C can be used as a home remedy for cough because it supports your immune system and boosts your white blood cells. Research conducted in Norway indicates that vitamin C, which serves as an important antioxidant, may help to reduce cough and wheezing in smokers who have high levels of oxidative stress. (7)

And a 2017 review published in Nutrients found that vitamin C may help to alleviate or prevent infections that are caused by bacteria and viruses. It can shorten the duration of colds and may even be used as a natural remedy for pneumonia. (8)

To support your immune system and relieve your cough, take 1,000 milligrams 3–4 times daily as soon as symptoms develop.

3. Zinc Lozenges
Zinc is commonly used as an over-the-counter remedy for fighting symptoms of the common cold, including coughing. According to research published in the Journal of American Pharmacists Association, zinc can reduce the duration and severity of cold symptoms when administered within 24 hours of their onset. It was also suggested in this scientific overview of zinc efficacy that it may exert an antiviral effect and interfere with the molecular process that causes the buildup of mucus and bacteria in your nasal passages. (9)

One of the easiest ways to take advantage of these zinc benefits is to use zinc lozenges throughout the day. Studies suggest that zinc lozenges containing at least 13 milligrams of elemental zinc can be used every 2 hours when cold and cough symptoms first appear. (10)

Home remedies for cough - Dr. Axe

4. Honey
Research shows that honey has antimicrobial effects and it may be beneficial for treating a cough and cold. Honey works to relieve irritation, reduce inflammation and increase cytokine release. It also provides immune-boosting antioxidants. (11)

You can use raw honey or manuka honey to relieve conditions that cause a cough, like viral and bacterial infections, and allergies. Honey also helps to improve sleep, so it can be useful when you’re having trouble getting the rest you need because of your cough. Take 1–2 tablespoons of raw or manuka honey a day until your symptoms go away. You can also add honey to lemon or chamomile tea, but wait until the water is warm enough to drink before you add the honey.

Another option is to make my homemade honey herbal cough drops that combine herbs for coughs with honey to create a completely natural remedy for cough.

How to kill lice eggs from hair

Killing Adult Head Lice

Exterminate all adult lice. Removing the nits from the hair of the person affected won't make a difference if adult lice are still able to breed. As long as there are adult lice, new batches of eggs will continue to appear on the hair. These additional eggs will then hatch into more lice, which in turn will lay more eggs. This unending cycle is not broken until all adult lice have been killed.[1]
Submerging your hair underwater for an extended period of time will not kill or drown lice. Studies show that the lice simply cling to the hair or scalp while underwater and can survive underwater for several hours. The chlorine in pool water, unfortunately, is also not strong enough to kill lice. [2]
To kill adult lice, wash your hair, or that of the person affected, with over-the-counter lice shampoo. In extreme cases of head lice, prescription-strength head lice shampoo is also available.

Try a prescription shampoo. One option is Pyrethrum, which comes from chrysanthemum flowers that harbor natural insecticides called pyrethrins. Pyrethrins attack lice’s nervous systems, though some lice are now resistant to the toxin.[3]
Apply the shampoo to dry hair. Then, wait ten minutes, add water, work into a lather, and rinse. You should then try to remove nits and repeat the process seven to 10 days later, to kill any remaining bugs.

Suffocate the live lice as an alternative. Although there are few clinical studies on its effectiveness, some people believe that you can kill lice by suffocation. The way this works is that certain products, they argue, clog the bugs’ breathing holes. Lice can survive for hours without breathing, but eventually they will die.[4]
Try a petroleum jelly like Vaseline. Apply the jelly to your hair and scalp thickly. The jelly must remain for up to eight hours to kill, and you should wear a shower cap to restrict air flow. Keep in mind that Vaseline will be very hard to remove and will not kill the nits.
Some people also advocate the use of common olive oil. Again, some claim that the oil plugs the insects’ breathing holes and suffocates them. Like Vaseline, you should apply the oil to your hair and scalp, don a shower cap, and wait about eight hours before cleaning the oil. As a bonus, the oil should loosen the nits from your hair and make it easier to remove them.
Mayonnaise may work as well. Mayo contains a large amount of oil, which seems to be the suffocating ingredient. Apply to your hair and scalp like Vaseline and olive oil. Anecdotal evidence suggests that regular, high fat mayonnaise works best.

Prepare your nit-removal area. Sit down in an area with plenty of natural or artificial light. This will make it easier the person removing the nits to actually see them, as they are small and are glued to the hair near the scalp.[8] Additionally, drape a towel over your shoulders to catch any hair or nits that fall off.

Removing Nits with Vinegar

Rinse your hair with water and vinegar. Nit eggs are covered in a sticky substance which binds them to human hair follicles. Vinegar has been found to contain chemicals that dissolve this substance, preventing nits from maintaining their grip on human hair.[9]
While kneeling in front of a bathtub, place your head under the faucet. Turn on the warm water and thoroughly dampen your hair. Then, turn off the water and, while still kneeling, pour a large amount of vinegar over your head. Make sure that all strands are coated with the liquid. Then use warm water to rinse your hair.
Alternatively, fill a sink with 1:1 parts of water and vinegar. Submerge your hair in the sink entirely, either by dipping your head forward or dipping it backward into the solution.
Detangle with a leave-in conditioner and normal brush. Try to get your hair entirely detangled, so that combing with a nit brush is easy and painless.

Begin to comb out the nits. If you are the one affected by lice, then you will need the help of another person. They'll need a metal nit comb — a fine-toothed and rigid comb that is better at removing nits than a plastic comb. You should be able to buy a nit comb at most pharmacies for under $10. They can use a magnifying lens if possible to search for hard-to-see nits.
A large number of nits could have been rinsed out of your hair during the vinegar application. However, there will likely still be eggs clinging to the dampened strands. Working with one small section of hair at a time — about the width of the nit comb — your helper should carefully comb through your entire head.